25/1停課,教育局特別通告 Special Announcements by Education Bureau

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預計現時異常的天氣仍會持續,所有幼稚園、肢體傷殘兒童學校、智障兒童學校及小學1月25日停課。但上述學校須保持校舍開放,同時實施應變措施,照顧有需要回校的學生。 至於中學方面,教育局呼籲家長為學生準備足夠的禦寒衣物。學校亦須加倍留意學生的身體狀況,並考慮暫停戶外活動,以保障學生的身體健康。 就前述目的,教育局常任秘書長所授權人士已根據《教育條例》(第279章)第83(6)(a)(ii)條的規定,向基於運作需要或安全理由須在停課期間 進入或逗留在校舍的教職員及學生發出書面准許。 



Special Announcements by Education Bureau at 19:30(24/1):

As the abnormal weather is expected to continue, classes of kindergartens, schools for children with physical disability, schools for children with intellectual disability and primary schools will be suspended on 25 Jan. These schools, however, should keep their premises open and implement contingency measures to look after students who need to return to school. As regards secondary schools, Education Bureau calls on parents to prepare enough warm clothes for students. Schools are required to pay attention to the physical condition of their students, and to consider suspending outdoor activities in order to safeguard the health of students. For the foregoing purposes, the delegated authority of the Permanent Secretary for Education has given a written permission under section 83(6)(a)(ii) of the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279) to those school staff and students who need to enter or remain in the school premises during the period of suspension due to operational need or safety reason. 

All Classes are suspended on 25 Jan.


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