7/2 教育局宣布 Important Announcement by Education Bureau

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為防止流行性感冒在學校繼續蔓延,教育局今日宣布全港幼稚園、幼稚園暨幼兒中心、小學及特殊學校 (只設中學部的群育學校除外),於二月八日起提前開始農曆新年假期,至學校原定的農曆年假為止。詳情請參閱教育局網頁。



Important Announcement by Education Bureau at 12:45pm :

To prevent the spread of influenza in schools, the Education Bureau announced today that all kindergartens, kindergarten cum child care centres, primary and special schools (excluding Schools for Social Development with secondary section only) would have Chinese New Year Holiday from 8 February till the end of the original scheduled Chinese New Year Holiday of the school. For details, please refer to EDB Website.

Chinese New Year Holiday starts from Thursday 8 February. School will resume on Monday 26 February. 

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